Pietra Royal

Pietra Royal

Pietra Royal from Turkey beige marble design blueprint of the Royal family, with its warm, upscale beige and is known for jump linear texture, is still used by many famous buildings of high-grade building materials. Pietra Royal as a highly decorative materials, as early as more than 300 years ago, cherished by European royalty. Italy the Ducal Palace in Venice, Sforza castles, palaces and other historical buildings in Turin, Pietra Royal ornament.

Detailed introduction

    Pietra Royal from Turkey beige marble design blueprint of the Royal family, with its warm, upscale beige and is known for jump linear texture, is still used by many famous buildings of high-grade building materials. Pietra Royal as a highly decorative materials, as early as more than 300 years ago, cherished by European royalty. Italy the Ducal Palace in Venice, Sforza castles, palaces and other historical buildings in Turin, Pietra Royal ornament.

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